In this beautiful conversation that Dorianne Weil and I had for her Thrive With Dr. D podcast, we discuss relational maturity, disconnection from our partners during the pandemic when all of us may feel a little too close (physically) to them, and how to navigate this time which can be quite challenging.

We touched on these topics and much more:

  • That all couples experience the power struggle that is a survival dance that can disconnect us. At this time while so many of us are at home together, we often don’t have a way to get much space from one another, and so we cope in the isolation of disconnection, and in isolation from our usual world due to the pandemic. And “isolation” takes on new meaning.
  • It’s important to embrace the discomfort of now in the service of waking up in the service of our lives.
  • What can result is a relational maturity road map, the willingness to have a courageous encounter with your partner, and ultimately, reconnection.
  • Using my three, invisible connectors can help.

The book I mention is Power vs Force, by David Hawkins. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

You can listen to the podcast here.